11 Ways to Measure Clean Growth

Unlocking prosperity through progress on climate change, economic and social goals

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Why Clean Growth

Canada’s prosperity is tied to progress across a range of climate, economic, and social goals—and the data shows these goals are connected. In fact, our analysis of the 11 indicators of clean growth finds that neglecting any one dimension can actually undermine Canada’s long-term economic growth. 

As governments work to limit the impacts of COVID-19 and kick-start Canada’s economic recovery, this research points to policy and investment priorities that create the conditions for growth and prosperity, today and in the future.

Explore the 11 indicators of clean growth

Low Carbon Growth

Addressing climate change while growing the economy requires making existing sources of growth less polluting and more efficient, and supporting low-carbon business success.

Economic Resilience

The costs of climate change are adding up. Canada’s future prosperity depends on how well our economy and communities prepare for the changes ahead.

Technology Development

Clean technology innovation and development is critical to address climate change and support long-term economic growth.

Technology Adoption

Many of the technologies required to respond to climate change already exist—they just need to be put to widespread use.

Low-carbon and Resilient Trade and Competitiveness

Trade is a catalyst for clean growth at home and abroad, growing markets for clean products and supporting a cost-effective transition to a cleaner future.

Low-carbon and Resilient Infrastructure Investment

Today’s infrastructure investment decisions could put Canada on track for clean growth success—but getting them wrong could set us back decades.

Low-carbon Jobs

Changes to global and domestic policy, investment and trade can affect workers and jobs. Building a clean and prosperous future requires ensuring people across Canada have quality work to count on.

Affordable Energy

Climate and energy policies can—and should—be designed to ensure fairness, protect vulnerable people and keep life affordable.

Inclusive Resilience

Some people, communities, and regions face greater threats from climate change. Clean growth requires recognizing these disparities and taking action to reduce vulnerability.

Clean Air

Air pollution and greenhouse gases often come from the same sources. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions can also clean up the air, making communities and people healthier.

Thriving Ecosystems

Ecosystems such as forests and wetlands underpin clean growth— they remove carbon from the atmosphere, prevent floods and cool our cities while supporting our economy, human health and wellbeing.

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